Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi Info Bibliotheca : Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi Program Studi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang en-US Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2714-805X KERJASAMA PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA (UPI) DENGAN KOREA-INDONESIA CULTURAL CORNER (KICC) DALAM UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN KOLEKSI <p>This research aims to investigate how the principles of collection development and the stages of collection development are implemented in the collaboration between the University of Education Indonesia (UPI) Library and the Korean-Indonesian Cultural Corner (KICC). It also seeks to identify the impacts and challenges encountered during the implementation of this collaboration. The research method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative research. Data were gathered through observations and interviews with the library managers. The collected data were analyzed to comprehend the dynamics of the collaboration and the implementation of collection development principles. The findings of the research reveal that the UPI Library has not fully applied the principles of collection development in the services provided by the Korean-Indonesian Cultural Corner (KICC). One of the major challenges identified is the lack of effective communication between the UPI Library and KICC. This has resulted in discrepancies in the stages of collection development and a limited understanding of collection priorities. The impact of these challenges is a less efficient and effective collection development process. Therefore, to maximize the outcomes of this collaboration, efforts are needed to expand and enhance communication between the UPI Library and KICC. This will assist in understanding the needs and expectations of each party, enabling a more efficient implementation of collection development stages. Additionally, regular evaluations should be an integral part of this collaboration to ensure the expected impacts are achieved.</p> Siti Aminah Julianti Asep Saeful Rohman Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 1 20 10.24036/ib.v5i1.441 ANALISIS PEMETAAN KONDISI TAMAN BACAAN MASYARAKAT (TBM) DI KOTA PEKANBARU <p>The conditions of libraries in urban areas and universities are very different from the conditions in the Community Reading Gardens (TBM) which are currently also developing and increasing in Pekanbaru City, however amid the development of TBM in Pekanbaru City there are still many TBM that do not yet have library collection standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, personnel standards, organizational standards, and management standards. Of the 36 Community Reading Gardens (TBMs) in Pekanbaru City, it is not yet clearly known what the condition is, both the condition of the collection and the condition of the infrastructure. So it is necessary to conduct further research related to the condition of the TBM in Pekanbaru City. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was done by observation, interview and documentation. Based on the results and discussion, it is found that only 11 TBMs are active with the dominant condition of TBMs already having a vision, mission and purpose of its establishment, judging from the target of its establishment, the average TBM has not determined who is the target of the establishment of TBMs. While in terms of human resources, the average TBM already has more than 3 administrators. Overall TBMs have provided reading services and on average TBMs have provided lending services. In terms of facilities, there are still minimal TBMs that provide decent facilities for their users. Activity programs provided by TBMs vary such as reading, drawing, coloring, book review and others. While promotional activities, the average TBM already has a social media account as a promotional tool. And in terms of cooperation, all TBMs have collaborated with organizations, communities, government agencies, and others.</p> Fadilah Sari Nining Sudiar Vita Amelia Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 21 35 10.24036/ib.v5i1.439 PRESERVASI PENGETAHUAN UPACARA TRADISI TINGKEBAN MASYARAKAT JAWA TRANSMIGRASI DI SITIUNG 2 KABUPATEN DHARMASRAYA SUMATERA BARAT <p>This study aims to describe the meaning of traditional ceremonies tingkeban, tools and materials used in the tingkeban traditional ceremony, tingkeban traditional ceremonial procession; and ceremonial knowledge preservation activities the tingkeban tradition of the Javanese transmigration community in Sitiung 2 District Dharmasraya, West Sumatra. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Data validation technique using triangulation, namely data source triangulation, theory triangulation, and method triangulation.The data validation technique uses the Miles and Hubermen models consisting of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this research are as follows. First, the traditional ceremony tingkeban Jawa transmigration has a very important meaning in life, namely as a means of praying so that the baby and mother are healthy and safe, as a rejection of reinforcements, a gathering place for neighbors, relatives and friends surrounding communities, strengthen brotherhood, and preserve traditional ceremonies brought by the ancestors. Third, the series of processions that are carried out are sacred rituals and full of meaning. Fourth, knowledge preservation activities carried out namely socialization and externalization. Socialization activities are carried out with face-to-face direct delivery, imitation, and delivery through the medium of wayang. Outreach activities become easier because the community already has awareness to carry out traditional ceremonies tingkeban. In addition, externalization activities in the preservation of ceremonial knowledge the tingkeban tradition is carried out by documenting it in the form of books, videos, articles and journals. In externalization activities, the community is still minimal accessing information and knowledge from tingkeban traditional ceremony documents.</p> Shinta Aprilya Ningrum Desriyeni Desriyeni Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 36 54 10.24036/ib.v5i1.404 ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN PENGGUNA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KOLEKSI DI PERPUSTAKAAN BADAN INFORMASI GEOSPASIAL UNTUK OPTIMALISASI LAYANAN <p>The Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) library is a type of special library that provides services to employees within the BIG. The aim of this research is to determine user information needs by carrying out user needs analysis activities in the collection development process carried out by the BIG Library. The research method applied uses a case study method with a descriptive qualitative research type. Data collection was carried out by means of observation and interviews with the aim of being able to describe a case in detail and in depth, then analysis was carried out by comparing the patterns expected by researchers based on existing literature with the patterns found when conducting research. Research results: BIG Library has consistently carried out collection development activities every year with the aim of meeting the information needs of its users. The BIG Library needs an additional budget to subscribe to scientific journals. As a type of special library in Indonesia, the BIG Library needs to strengthen its repository collection to meet the needs of its users. It is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis regarding the information needs of users. The BIG library needs to conduct information audits and interviews regarding user information needs periodically in all sections of the BIG).</p> Septevan Nanda Yudisman Jalinur Jalinur Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 55 71 10.24036/ib.v5i1.448 PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PENGELOLA ARSIP DENGAN KEAHLIAN DOKUMEN FORENSIK <p>This research examines the increase in the capacity of record managers in organizations, and this is because the record management profession has a strategic role in the organization, thus making record managers a profession that is vulnerable to legal problems because it is directly related to valid evidence, namely records. For this reason, it is necessary to increase competence, one of which is competence in forensic documents. This competency is closely related and becomes a distinct advantage for record managers because document forensic activities examine and involve the record itself. The method used in this research is a literature study using reference sources of articles in journals, books, laws, and literature on websites. Literature sources are used to develop critical thinking and aspects related to increasing the competency of record managers with forensic document expertise. The results of the discussion show that record managers must improve their capabilities and abilities due to the demands of the times and their role and involvement in legal matters within the organization. Increasing competence has an impact on increasing the welfare and value of record managers. For this reason, a new framework is needed for the record management profession, namely the competency of forensic documents. This competency is very closely related because forensic document competency is an activity that examines and involves the record itself.</p> Achmad Fachmi Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 72 88 10.24036/ib.v5i1.447 PENGEMBANGAN PUSTAKAWAN DI DINAS ARSIP DAN PERPUSTAKAAN KABUPATEN SUMEDANG <p>This study aims to obtain objective data on how librarian development, obstacles in librarian development, and efforts to overcome librarian development obstacles at the Sumedang Regency Regional Archives and Library Office. The method used is a descriptive qualitative research method. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling with research informants as many as 5 (five) people. Data collection techniques through primary data collection techniques such as observation and interviews, secondary data collection techniques such as literature studies and documentation. In analyzing the data used Hasibuan model with steps: Data reduction, data presentation, Conclution drawing/ferification, and Triangulation. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that librarian Development at the Regional Archives and Library Office of Sumedang Regency is still not optimal, because the benchmark development methods in the aspects of quality and quantity of librarian work are still low, the level of librarian discipline is still lacking, the effectiveness and efficiency of librarian work is still lacking, and the target has not been met.</p> Fepi Febianti Arip Rahman Sudrajat Dedi Irawan Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 89 107 10.24036/ib.v5i1.444 ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN KOLEKSI PEMUSTAKA DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA YOGYAKARTA <p>The collection needs survey is aimed at finding out what collections users need. It is hoped that the survey results can help the collection development department in procuring library materials so that the collections provided are in accordance with needs. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents using Google Form so that it was time efficient and data recapping was automatic. Respondents consisted of a total of 612 UAJY lecturers and students, all processed using SPSS 20. Quantitative descriptive data analysis and the results obtained showed that the majority of respondents visited the library once a week. This is not impossible because in the current digital era, information can be accessed easily via the internet network anytime and anywhere. The majority of users' needs for visiting the library are to do their final assignments, followed by looking for references and coursework. The types of collections that are much sought after are theses/final assignments, then e-journals, journals and e-books. Subjects that are of great interest are economics, social, political, cultural, technical, language and fiction. In terms of the recency, suitability and availability of the collection, the UAJY Library has been able to meet the expectations of users as shown by the large percentage, the recency of the collection is 82.4%, the suitability of the collection is 80.2% and the availability of the collection is 76.1%. There are suggestions for several collection subjects that need to be added and books with certain authors. Apart from that, the UAJY library needs to increase access to international journals and journal collections with subjects that suit the needs of study programs.</p> C. Esmi Triningsih A. Prastowo Harsa Pamardi Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 108 125 10.24036/ib.v5i1.449 PENGARUH KUALITAS WEBSITE PERPUSTAKAAN TERHADAP KEMUDAHAN PENGGUNA DI POLTEKKES KEMENKES PONTIANAK <p>Thisl study aims to determinel the quality ofl the library website, the level of ease of library website users and to determine the effect of the quality of the library website on the ease of users at the Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak. The method used quantitative approach. The population is all active students of Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak which amounts to 568 people. The sample was determined using the Slovin formula which yielded 85 respondents. Data collection methods through documentation and questionnaires. Data measurement in this study used Likert scale. The validity test used Pearson Correlation while the reliability test used Alpha Cronbach with 30 samples. The datal analysis techniquel uses thel mean formulal followed byl the grandl mean formulalof the whole laverage. Test the hypothesis using a simple linear regression test and a correlation test using the product moment. The quality of the website produces a value of 4.01 which is at a good level while the ease of users produces 4.40 which is at a very easy level which shows that the quality of the library website has a positive and significant effect on the ease of users of the Poltekkes Library website of the Ministry of Health Pontianak.</p> Nur Asila Khairunnisa Atiqa Nur Latifa Hanum Sahidi Sahidi Copyright (c) 2023 Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 5 1 126 142 10.24036/ib.v5i1.443